We use our Guiding Principles as a foundation for how we aspire to do our work internally as an organization and externally they represent the food system we are working towards. These principles are interrelated and are meant to be taken together.
We believe in building community through food and the power of influencing healthy eating through celebrating local food.
We believe in the power of diverse groups of people acting together around shared goals. Our work is strengthened by these different voices and approaches.
We believe in open access to information all along the food chain and across our organization.
We believe undoing racism and other inequities is essential to creating a food system where all communities and individuals prosper.
We believe that access to healthy food is a human right and that the health of our food system and environment are intrinsically linked.
Local Economies
We believe our communities are sustained and strengthened when local farmers, fishermen and families are thriving.
We believe that our schools are a cornerstone of food system change. As an organization we seek to continuously learn from our partners in this work.
Phone: (413) 253-3844
Email: info@massfarmtoschool.org