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Farm to Summer Meals: A Guide for Famers

How Do Summer Meals Work?

Even though school is out for the summer, many communities still provide meals to children through the USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP is a federally funded nutrition program that provides free meals to children ages 18 and under when school is not in session. SFSP sites function as the physical location in which meals are distributed. Sites work alongside a sponsor which produces the meals and procures the ingredients from vendors (including local farmers). The sponsor also delivers the meals to the sites and provides all administrative support for the program. Sponsors can include school food service, YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, as well as summer camps or other community-based organizations.

Harvest of the Month: Summer

Mass. Farm to School’s Summer Harvest of the Month campaign promotes a different Massachusetts-grown food each month at participating summer food service sites across the state. The program’s goal is to encourage healthy food choices by increasing students’ exposure to seasonal foods while also supporting local farmers and building excitement about nutritious lunches during the summer months!

June: Strawberries August: Peaches July: Cucumbers

In addition to the featured Harvest of the Month crops, summer meals are a good place to serve things like hand-held fruit, fresh veggie sticks, lettuces, and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Meals are often prepared at a central location as cold brown bag sandwiches or summer salads/sides and distributed to sites across the community. Program sponsors may be more interested in items that can be served cold or incorporated into cold menu items.

Finding Summer Meal Sponsors & Sites

Contact Massachusetts Farm to School staff for more information or for help in connecting with a summer meal sponsor or site. Email us at or visit us online at For a list of summer meal sites across Massachusetts and for more information about the Summer Food Service Program visit

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© copyright 2025 - Massachusetts Farm to School (fiscally sponsored by Third Sector New England, Inc. (TSNE)

Contact Us
Massachusetts Farm to School (fiscally sponsored by Third Sector New England, Inc. (TSNE))
PO Box 213
Beverly, MA 01915

Phone: (413) 253-3844
