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Map the History of Squash

Map the Geographic History of Squash

1 copy for each student of Harvest Lessons map
1 copy of the Squash Mapping Directions to project, or one copy per student (see below)
Atlas for each student or pair of students
Colored pencils

Pass out copies of the Harvest Lessons map to each student.
Project or pass out the Squash Mapping Directions.
Instruct students to follow the directions to map the history of squash!

Squash first grew in Central America, probably in Guatemala or Mexico.
#1: On your map, color Central America in green. Christopher Columbus and other early explorers found squash when they colonized the Americas and brought it with them back to Europe where it spread and is still grown today.
#2: On your map, color Europe in orange. There are many different types of squash, some that even started near here! The Waltham Butternut was first grown in Waltham, Massachusetts.
#3: On your map, draw a black star near where Massachusetts is. Squash is grown all over the world today. China grows the most squash today.
#4: On your map, color China red to highlight where the most squash comes from.

Sourced from: New Hampshire Farm to School

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Massachusetts Farm to School (fiscally sponsored by Third Sector New England, Inc. (TSNE))
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