Call your legislator’s office and ask to speak with an aide who handles agriculture, nutrition and/or education-related issues.
Identify yourself as a constituent and ask if you can schedule a meeting to discuss farm to school programs. (If you’re attending the 2017 Farm to School Awareness Day – October 26, 2017, let them know!)
#3 Get to Know Your Legislator’s Views
What are their views on Farm to School and/or child nutrition?
Is there an advocate within their office who focuses on these types of issues?
#4 Prepare for Your Meeting
Summarize the importance of farm to school to your district, farm, organization, or business.
How do you incorporate farm to school in the cafeteria & classroom or in your business or organization?
What impacts does farm to school have on the school (or district), the local community and local economy?
Consider creating a one-page bulleted fact sheet highlighting key points to leave with the legislator. For tips on hosting a legislator at your school or organization, click here.