Northeast Food for Schools Program FAQ

Where can I find out my remaining balance and what I’ve spent?

Please reference this FY25 NFS Remaining Balances spreadsheet. 

How do I file for reimbursement? 

Review page 5 of the NFS Manual. If you need your login credentials and/or have a change in food service director or business manager, please contact 

Is there a vendor list schools can use to find local producers/suppliers within 400 miles?

Massachusetts Farm to School has a local producer map and list for districts to use. This list is not exhaustive – school districts are welcome to buy from other growers/producers/suppliers that can provide eligible products.

Is there a list of food hub vendors?

Massachusetts Farm to School has a list of regional food hubs that specialize in providing local/ regional foods.

Who are the vendors that responded to the MAPC Northeast Produce RFP?  

You can access all awarded vendors, updated pricing lists, and backup documentation from the MAPC RRP on the Awarded Local Vendors page on the Mass. Farm to School Website. SFAs are responsible for issuing a contract with the vendor directly. 

Will fluctuating produce prices be a problem?

While prices in the conventional produce market do tend to fluctuate throughout the year, produce pricing in the local/regional market tends to be more stable. If you develop a sales relationship directly with a producer or with a food hub you should establish pricing through the procurement process.

Is Massachusetts produced cheese an allowable product to purchase with Northeast for School (NFS) funds?

Yes! Value added dairy products produced within 400 miles are allowed.

Is bread made in a Massachusetts bakery with wheat from Kansas eligible?

No, any minimally processed product must only utilize ingredients sourced within 400 miles. You are still allowed to buy this product for your CNP but will not be reimbursed utilizing NFS funds.

Is Vermont ground beef eligible?

Yes, ground beef is considered minimally processed and as long as the beef originates within 400 miles it is an eligible product.

Is local sausage eligible? 

No, sausage contains ingredients beyond ground pork that make it ineligible given the definition of minimally processed foods for this grant. You will not be reimbursed utilizing NFS funds.

Are locally caught fish sticks eligible?

No, fish sticks are not considered a minimally processed and identified as ineligible based on USDA’s definition of minimally processed, even if the fish was caught locally. Unbreaded fish filets are eligible. 

Is local popcorn eligible?

No, it exceeds the definition of minimally processed and will not be reimbursed utilizing NFS funds for this product. 

Is local clam chowder eligible? 

No, it exceeds the definition of minimally processed and will not be reimbursed utilizing NFS funds for this product. If you buy the locally caught and grown ingredients to make chowder, those individual items may be eligible. 

Are Massachusetts produced corn tortillas made with Massachusetts’ corn an allowable product to purchase with NFS funds?


Is Massachusetts produced fluid milk eligible?

While fluid milk is eligible under the original eligibility guidelines, reallocated NFS funds may not be spent on fluid milk without prior approval from DESE Local Food System Specialist, Maggie Nowak. Any fluid milk claims with reallocated funds without prior approval will not be reimbursed.

Is shelf stable milk eligible?

No, shelf stable milk is not eligible under this program. 

Do local eggs need to be pasteurized?

Please refer to your local board of health for any questions about food safety protocols for foods served in schools.

Is it possible for school districts to use these funds in conjunction with the Harvest of the Month (HOTM) program, and will the monthly items be the same year to year?

Yes. HOTM items are consistent year to year and the calendar can be found here. HOTM is a great program to highlight local purchasing using NFS funds and beyond! Learn more about Harvest of the Month

Can I use NFS funds to buy produce for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)?

No. Northeast Food for School funding can only be used for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP).

Do food service management companies still need to do the RFP process if they already have existing relationships with local suppliers?

All purchases must follow federal and state procurement practices. If you have existing vendors who have been previously procured with these regulations in mind, you do not need to complete a new/different procurement process to spend these NFS funds.

Can a district purchase from COMMBUYS with NFS funds?

Yes. It is up to the SFA to ensure compliance with the NFS grant requirements and procurement regulations. When purchasing using a state contract only the items listed in the contract have been procured. Also, some contracts require the buyer to still get quotes (depends on the contract). Finally, it is still the responsibility of the SFA to ensure the product is grown within 400 miles and that the vendor can provide the required traceability details.

Can a district use COMMBUYS (state contracts) as one of the three quotes needed for a small purchase?

No, since the RFQ needs to communicate the same information to all vendors.

What if school districts do not receive 3 responses to their request for quotes?

The 3-quote process requires school districts to send their request for quotes to at least three vendors. They do not need to receive 3 responses to be in compliance with procurement regulations.

Can FSMCs potentially pay the vendor invoices (if they already have them set up as a vendor) and then send the SFAs an invoice for these purchases if all documentation is tracked? Or is it required that the SFAs pay directly?

SFAs are required to reimburse FSMCs for all allowable expenses incurred in the operation of the SFS. These funds can only be used to purchase local unprocessed or minimally processed foods. If you were already doing that, nothing changes at all. What FSMC and SFA’s need to do is track these food purchases so they have documented that they spent the amount they received in NFS funds on allowable local foods. 

How does the reimbursement process work?

Districts will request reimbursement for allowable product expenses on a monthly basis through an on-line form. This form will request basic information for reimbursement: the amount to be reimbursed, products purchased, and the farm/food hub/producer/supplier of the products.

Reimbursement Schedule

Districts have the month of purchase and the following 30 days to request reimbursement for eligible NFS purchases. Please see table below:

Month of Purchase Reimbursement Request Due Date Estimated DESE Reimbursement 
August & September October 31, 2024 December 2024
October November 30, 2024 January 2025
November December 31, 2024 February 2025
December January 31, 2025 March 2025

How long do districts have to use all of the funds?

The extended end date of the program is: December 31, 2024. Schools are required to have spent all funds by December 31, 2024. 

Please review the Northeast Food for Schools Fall 2024 Manual for more information or contact

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© copyright 2025 - Massachusetts Farm to School (fiscally sponsored by Third Sector New England, Inc. (TSNE)

Contact Us
Massachusetts Farm to School (fiscally sponsored by Third Sector New England, Inc. (TSNE))
PO Box 213
Beverly, MA 01915

Phone: (413) 253-3844
